Mount and blade warband battle sizer rgl_config

The Top 5 Best Mount and Blade Warband Mods

Don't know bout the mod, i've changed battle size through config files, but the problem i've had with larger battle sizes (150+) is the map. Armies just circle each other in the centre and makes you feel boxed in. With your flanks crooked at the maps edge. Breaks immersion.

17/01/2015 · Just go to My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\ and edit the rgl_config.txt (or wherever your documents folder is) There you'll find the following line: battle_size = 1.0000

есть другой способ Мой компьютер/мои документы/mount blade warband или огнем и мечом/находим файл rgl_config там строка battle_size = 1.0000 и меняем 1 на любое число но не большое лагать ужасно будет как-то раз зделал 25.0000 вошол в игру ... Factions | Mount and Blade Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Factions appear in every Mount&Blade game. For the factions in the original Mount&Blade and Warband, see Factions (classic), For the factions in Napoleonic Wars, see Nations (Napoleonic Wars), For the factions in With Fire& Sword, see Nations, For the factions in Viking Conquest, see Factions... Mount And Blade Warband Trainer - Current Trainers: Mount & Blade Warband V1.161 Trainer +8 Mount & Blade Warband V1.167 Trainer +8 Mount & Blade Warband V1.168 Trainer +11 Mount & Blade Warband ... What IS combat difficulty in the RGL config? You know, that one thing that lets you set an actual battle size? And where most of the exterior settings are stored. What does the Combat difficulty level do?

Warband 300+ Battle Sizes : mountandblade - reddit I'm using the awesome Warband Battle Sizer tool. I set the troops to 514, and in a massive skirmish that causes more than this amount to be used, I realised it causes some degree of stutter. I set the troops to 514, and in a massive skirmish that causes more than this amount to be used, I realised it causes some degree of stutter. mount blade battle size changer war band guide. Warband ... Warband Battle Size Changer Free Download. Warband Battle Size Changer Mount and Blade: Warband is the first expansion for Mount and Blade, an action role-playing game that takes place in a medieval land named Calradia. s478のPCでゲームのブログ: Mount&blade : Warband... My Documents\Mount&Blade Warbandフォルダ内にあるrgl_config.txtの値を下記のように変更した。 render_buffer_sizeを256に変更。 (変更前の値は15)

Nombre d'unités en simultané en bataille sur le forum Mount ...

One of the most popular Mount and Blade mods, Prophecy of Pendor has now been ported over to Mount and Blade: Warband! While this alone would have been enough to vault Pendor into the top 5 best Mount and Blade Warband mods list, there have also been some improvements to the base Pendor mod. /mbg/ - Mount & Blade (Warband) General --- SUMMARY: >BROTIPS ... BATTLE SIZE can be increased by opening \My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\rgl_config.txt and changing "battle_size = 1.5700" to "battle_size = 3.0000" for example PARTICLE EFFECTS and Character shadows are performance killers when using large custom battle sizes, IE 350+ Файлы / Mount & Blade "Extreme Commander 1.7 RPTF ... В папке Мои документы найдите папку Mount&Blade Warband. В ней найдите файл rgl_config.txt. В нем найдите строчку battle_size = , и вместо любой установленной там цифры(по умолчанию там стоит 1.0000) напишите 2.0000. Единица равна 150 воинам в бою ... Mount&Blade: Warband Mod List


Just go to My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\ and edit the rgl_config.txt (or wherever your documents folder is) There you'll find the following line: battle_size = 1.0000